Do you ever dream of a relationship with an Eastern beauty?
Do you also want a Filipino girlfriend who can give your life some exotic and erotic tension?
Then read on, because I’ll tell you 5 reasons why a Filipino girlfriend is so sought after by many men!
Filipino women are beautiful

Of course beauty lies in “the eye of the beholder”, and it is very subjective what is beautiful and what is not.
If you’re only attracted to big blond women with blue eyes, a Filipino girlfriend might not be for you.
Filipino women (or “Filipinas”) tend to be quite short (around 5 feet on average), have black hair and dark eyes.
In general, their butts and breasts are not very big (like women from Brazil), but I can attest that there are tons of exceptions to this rule… more than enough for any Western man.
That being said, I do believe that there are a lot of Filipino beauties walking around, and that you will be able to find a beautiful Filipino girlfriend without any problems.
Through my Serenity Dating service, I introduce you to several women, from which you can choose which one to go on a date with.
Filipino women speak English
Communicating with your Filipino girlfriend is usually not a problem because they generally speak decent English.
Establishing a relationship with, for example, a Vietnamese or Thai girlfriend is often more difficult, because they don’t speak English to a high degree.
What made Filipino women (and the Philippines in general) attractive to me is the fact that I didn’t have to search long before I could find someone I could really talk to, because in China for example that was certainly a problem.
In the Philippines, you can almost always assume that you will be able to talk to your potential partner.
Admittedly, the English of a lot of young and less educated women is often laughable and they make a lot of spelling mistakes, but it doesn’t matter that much, as long as you understand each other.
For example, my current girlfriend spoke very little English, but of course her understanding has grown over time, and she now speaks it fluently – that’s something you can (and should) expect from your Filipino girlfriend.
Filipino women are open to a relationship with an older man

In our countries it is often still quite a taboo for older men to have a relationship with an 18 to 25 year old woman.
It is certainly not illegal, but you will be looked at with a skewed eye anyway, and it is clear that our society is disapproving of this.
Not so in the Philippines, where older Western men are often seen as a better partner than younger Western men, especially compared to the local men.
Experience certainly plays a role, but I’m not going to lie, it’s the financial security that is the biggest factor.
The Philippines is a country where there are not many opportunities for young women to lead a good life, and dating an older Western man may be the best option.
That certainly does not mean that they are only after your money! There are of course a lot of “gold diggers” that you should definitely avoid.
For a lot of Western men this is a serious problem, because when you search on dating sites you don’t know how to find someone who is really interested in you (and for whom your stable status in life is a bonus) and someone who only want your money.
That’s the main advantage of Serenity Dating: I interview all the women I show you, just to make sure they’re really looking for a relationship.
Filipino women are good partners
If you’re a bit more traditional, then a Filipino woman is for you.
Yes, there are a lot of Filipinas who are work-focused, lazy, or just clumsy, but in my experience, most Filipino girls make great partners – especially when compared to the more verbal and dominant Western women.
If you are looking for someone who can take care of you in terms of cooking, keeping your house clean, running errands, and taking care of your business – a Filipino girlfriend is an excellent option.
In English this is called “wife material“, and you can roughly translate it as “suitable as a life partner”.
Now I have to say that I also met a lot of … how can I say this diplomatically … female jerks in my years here.
Bitches, as they say.
This is closely related to the previous point – if your Filipino girlfriend is only with you for money, she may not be a good partner and will sneer at you and treat you badly.
Avoid that trade!
Turn on Serenity Dating and I’ll do a thorough check beforehand to separate the wheat from the chaff and get the bitches out – or as much as possible.
Filipino women are quite horny

Finally, we come to a point that should not be underestimated: your Filipino girlfriend may be quite horny.
Filipino women are generally, according to the consensus of many men, the horniest women in the world.
That means that they are the most open to sex and are most excited about it, compared to other women.
I think that has something to do with the climate or their Spanish blood.
Sometimes you come across more traditional women (religious fans) who are still virgins at 24 and want to wait until they get married, but that’s often an exception… and even then you can do all kinds of things pretty quickly as long as they’re technically virgins stay (similar to Muslim women).
Whatever the reason, the fact is that it is quite easy to have sex with a Filipino woman.
I’m not going to lie, that was definitely a reason for me to come here!